• Madrid Investment Attraction

Madrid accounts for 69.8% of foreign investment in Spain in the first half of 2022

The latest figures reported by the Foreign Investment Register (RIE) for the first half of 2022 give a preliminary figure of 10.927 billion in investment in Madrid, 69.8% of the total in Spain. These figures are almost double those obtained in the first half of 2021, although they should be taken with caution, especially due to the calendar effects and the impact of certain one-off acquisitions. Even so, Madrid is continuing to attract more companies and investment than anywhere else in Spain, making it one of the main European and global destinations for productive investment. The capital accounts for 84% of the projects received within the wider Region of Madrid since 2003, 72% of investment, and 71% of employment announced.

Figures for the first half of 2022 also reflect 56% of investment in expansion operations, 24% in acquisitions and 20% in greenfield/brownfield projects. Madrid is the third city in Europe in terms of greenfield projects awarded since 2003, the twelfth in the world.

Origin of investment in Madrid:

Figures for the first half of 2022 include significant investments from the USA  (4.362 billion), primarily in the Machinery Manufacturing, Telecommunications, and Tile Manufacturing sectors. They also include investments from the UK (2.699 billion, including 2 billion related to investments in LaLiga), and from Australia (1.185 billion) with a major operation involving the mining company Sandfire, and additional IMF investments in the energy sector.

 Employment recovery linked to foreign investment

Madrid has also spearheaded the recovery in employment levels linked to foreign investment in Spain, although the pandemic has slowed the progression of recent years. However, Madrid accounts for 30.2% of national employment in foreign companies. According to the latest available data, foreign companies generate 512,915 jobs in Madrid.

Madrid demonstrates its appeal for foreign investment

As noted by Miguel Ángel Redondo, Madrid’s City Councillor for Economics “At Madrid Investment Attraction (MIA), we are working every day to position Madrid as the best option for foreign investment. We are convinced that our efforts, despite the uncertain economic situation in which we find ourselves, will ensure that our city continues to attract investment as well as the best talent”.

In addition, over the coming months, Madrid Investment Attraction, the foreign investment office within Madrid’s City Council, will develop new internationalisation projects and continue to work on facilitating the arrival of all companies that decide to set up in Madrid, ensuring their growth and integration in the local ecosystem, and seeking to maximise their contribution to the local economy and society.