• Madrid Investment Attraction

Open Call for Grants to Support International Business Meetings Promoting Madrid as a Business Capital

The Madrid City Council, through its Department of Economy, Innovation, and Finance, has launched a grant program to support international business meetings that promote Madrid as a global business hub. The program has a total budget of 200,000 euros, with each beneficiary eligible for a maximum grant of 65,000 euros, covering up to 60% of the event’s total cost. Grants will be awarded through a competitive selection process, with each organization limited to one grant for a single business meeting, provided the event takes place within the municipality of Madrid.

Eligible small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must have organized or plan to organize an event between January 1 and October 31, 2024, aimed at promoting Madrid as a destination for foreign investment or supporting the international expansion of Madrid-based companies. The event must be attended by at least 75 companies or entities in person.

The goal of this initiative is to establish international forums that bring together key stakeholders to promote the internationalization of Madrid’s business sector and attract foreign investment and talent to the city. Eligible events must focus on areas such as Cybersecurity, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Industry, Circular Economy, Social Economy, Semiconductors, or Biotechnology.

Eligible expenses include staff salaries, venue rentals, catering, production, development, logistics, consumable materials, and insurance—provided they are directly related to the event and incurred during the eligible period.

Expenses related to accommodation, travel, or transportation are not eligible for reimbursement. Additionally, the grant is not compatible with other aids or subsidies provided by the Madrid City Council for the same activity.

Applications can only be submitted via the Madrid City Council’s electronic platform by October 2, 2024.

For more information, visit: https://sede.madrid.es/portal/site/tramites/menuitem.62876cb64654a55e2dbd7003a8a409a0/?vgnextoid=cfac1cd897211910VgnVCM2000001f4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=d4968173cec9c410VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default