• Madrid Investment Attraction


Foreign investment does not require prior authorisation, except in sectors related to national defence or with an impact on law and order, security or public health.

Two of the most common types of companies in accordance with Spanish trade law are the joint-stock company or sociedad anónima (S.A.) and the limited liability company or sociedad de responsabilidad limitada (S.L.). The administrative procedures to establish these two types of companies are quite similar. Ordinary procedures take two to six weeks to complete. Currently, however, there is a draft bill to simplify procedures and promote business development.

Madrid has made it easier to establish a company by replacing some licence applications by affidavits.

In the documents below you will find a step-by-step guide to establish a limited liability company (documents in Spanish).

Every year, working with Garrigues, ICEX-Invest in Spain publishes its updated Guide to Business in Spain, the reference guide for foreign investors dealing with Spanish regulations for the first time.


Guía de negocios en España Icex Invest Spain Garrigues


In any case, the team at Madrid Investment Attraction (MIA), the City of Madrid office for foreign investors, will be glad to discuss your business project and give you personal advice, helping you in all possible ways.